Okay guys. 2 things. First a welcome to a gentleman I met this last weekend on the ferry dock at Port Townsend, on our way to tyhe Oyster Run. He has a very nicely cared for 79 Standard (I think it was, forgive if my memory fails me...) I dont know if you want to use a pen name or your first name, so I wont id you by name but welcome-- you know who you are!!
And to who ever started this goofy forum thing. I AM TERRIBLY FRUSTRATED!!! I cant get in here to post without a password. evidently I am not cookied. so i click on the link to get my password. then i have to go back to my yahoo mailbox, only to be told to click on another link and it will reset my password. fine. but when i get to that page, i cant get in to reset because it needs my password, which is a ridiculous number which if i could remember in the first place i wouldnt be spending an hour playing ring around the rosy with my NOT SO FAST computer and this forum. so I have to go back to my mailbox AGAIN and here we go again. So if anybody cares or wonders why i never post much anymore, its because of the incredible maze i have to go through to get in here. The way this is now, I dont like even trying because of the waste of time. The way the thing is set up, I have enough trouble with it, WHY should I add to it and PAY also to get into a "deeper level" (feel like I'm in some dungeons and dragons game.... grrr!!) Isnt there any way to make things easier for those of us who have lives outside of computerland, and dont get online every day, and who also suffer from CRS and need their own easy password... and why the secrecy anyway?? seems a little excessive to me. give me back the good old yahoo list ...
if you all have any suggestions, send em to my motomama2 address, at least I can access it!!!
Sorry so long but -- I needed to rant. Sorry to all you innocent bystanders out there....
And to who ever started this goofy forum thing. I AM TERRIBLY FRUSTRATED!!! I cant get in here to post without a password. evidently I am not cookied. so i click on the link to get my password. then i have to go back to my yahoo mailbox, only to be told to click on another link and it will reset my password. fine. but when i get to that page, i cant get in to reset because it needs my password, which is a ridiculous number which if i could remember in the first place i wouldnt be spending an hour playing ring around the rosy with my NOT SO FAST computer and this forum. so I have to go back to my mailbox AGAIN and here we go again. So if anybody cares or wonders why i never post much anymore, its because of the incredible maze i have to go through to get in here. The way this is now, I dont like even trying because of the waste of time. The way the thing is set up, I have enough trouble with it, WHY should I add to it and PAY also to get into a "deeper level" (feel like I'm in some dungeons and dragons game.... grrr!!) Isnt there any way to make things easier for those of us who have lives outside of computerland, and dont get online every day, and who also suffer from CRS and need their own easy password... and why the secrecy anyway?? seems a little excessive to me. give me back the good old yahoo list ...
if you all have any suggestions, send em to my motomama2 address, at least I can access it!!!

Sorry so long but -- I needed to rant. Sorry to all you innocent bystanders out there....
