I am slowly tinkering away at my hydro clutch conversion. I just need to have some holes drilled and a larger hole drilled or cut 1.83" into my plate for the slave (any one with the right equipment feel free to chime in
). After that, the last thing I have to do is have some kinda line. What I was wondering ,can you do your own metal lines? I was thinking I could run a metal line from near the neck down and around the engine or something. Or does anyone know of any bikes similar in size that had hydro clutches on the right side of the bike that I could use a line from? thanXS
I have been taking pics of the process and will post a big thread when it is done as I know I am not the only one interested in this mod.

I have been taking pics of the process and will post a big thread when it is done as I know I am not the only one interested in this mod.
