Got nothing against Harleys per se, my first 2 bikes were Harleys then I moved on to European and British bikes because I found they suited me better. Then I moved on to Japanese bikes because I found they suited me better. When Harley makes a bike that suits me better, I'll ride it. Don't think that's going to happen because the damned things are priced out of my range and the ones I can afford (old Sportsters) are total pieces of oil leaking excrement. Whenever a Harley rider asks me why I'm riding "Jap junk" I always say, "Wanna race?"
No announcement yet.
Info on Harley demo ride 06
Shiny side up,
650 Mike
XS1100SF "Rusty", runs great, 96k miles
XS650SJ "The Black Bike", engine from XS650H with 750cc big bore kit, 30k miles
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and well preserved piece, but to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out and defiantly shouting, "WOW, what a ride !" - [URL=""]Sprung[/URL]
H-Ds aren't bad bikes they're just not good enough for what they cost. If a new super glide coat the same a as a V-Star then the price would be about right.
I can't see paying 2x or better for a bike because it's more or less American made (German pistons, Japanese gages, suspention and carb. Australian charging system.)
GeezerHi my name is Tony and I'm a bikeoholic.
The old gray biker ain't what he used to be.
Does it have....
Tell me, does that Hardly Makin thing have a gas guage? Self cancelling turn signals? Reserve lighting? Tip over switch? Most people are amazed that my 28 yr old machine has these things they can only wish for.You can't stay young forever, but you can be immature for the rest of your life...
'78E "Pathfinder" Show bike...
Lovingly restored by Dave Delzell
Drilled airbox
Tkat fork brace
Hardly mufflers
late model carbs
Newer style fuses
Oil pressure guage
Custom security system
Stainless braid brake lines
Well thats it I moved the bitch out of the garage and tossed her off in the back, maybe throw a tarp over her if I don't need it for the mower.Phwwww thank god I found that XS, I could have been riding that springer embarrassing myself to this day.
Wow they put Jap stuff in my American bike {first I heard that one...from a jap bike site.Oh yea that also explains why those pesky suzuki sidekicks always run up on me in the right lane filling my mirrors( glad they aint got those xenon headlights). And that new fangled technology a gas gauge what a concept,no more gas can bungied to forks,and an anti- whhat
Ohh boy gonna have me some fun when I pick up that Yamaha, think you guys can give me some instructions on how to work those fancy gismos ,and one more question how do you guys stay on at such xsessive speeds79 XS 1100 sf
Phwwww thank god I found that XS, I could have been riding that springer embarrassing myself to this day.
.. we are pretty mild here with our opinions about harleys [well maybe not Maximan], alot of people here have had other brands of bikes and there are plenty of people here that have harleys also.
But if you really want to get slammed/need to fight about your choice of rides, go to the honda site and post there. they're real @ss holes over there and will be happy to oblige your apparent need for conflict
I don't know why the Honda guys would slam Harleys, both brands use the same make gages, front end, rear shocks and carb... ;o)
BTW, I used to turn wrenches in a Harley and Kawie shop... It was the last dealership I worked for back in 89 before I got my more or less worthless college degree.
GeezerHi my name is Tony and I'm a bikeoholic.
The old gray biker ain't what he used to be.
Ah now c'mon Scootjak, don't get yer panties in a wad.If we didn't love our 1100s to death there wouldn't be anyone to have this conversation with. One of the reasons any of these forums exist is for owners to brag about what they got and rail on what they've not. HD owners, oft times, are quite proud of their bikes and might just look down a little on us antique rice-burner owners and our rides. So, we gotta brag when we know we got the goods!
My Ex!"Half-Breed"
'82 XJ1100 Maxim with
'80 XS1100SG Motor
Current Bike
2000 Indian Chief
Millennium Edition
Na no twisted panties here just some good nature banter.I think the humor looses something on the keyboard, I have been all over the site and there is a wealth of info and knowledge here I am still waiting to pick up my xs. ordered a fork brace for it and a few oil filters looking into oil cooler etc with info from the guys on this site.So the hd demo was the only thing i could get involved with, kind of get to know the guys. Don't really care one way or the other on HD opinion .I had an 81 xs back in 90 and i loved the thing wound up with 1 or 2 bikes to many (depending on who you talked to)
and gave it to my brother in law, who promptly left it laying around and it disappeared on him. This past fall I was motivated by the weather into considering a bike with a fairing ....back to the xs ahh I'll probobly hang on to the springer til I wind up with 1 too many again
79 XS 1100 sf
I am glad to here that scoot. Quite frankly I persieved your post with the same nastniness, but held off on you on the chance that you were bing humors. I just couldn't tell. A lot of good humor around here, glad to see you got some too.'81 XS1100 SH
Melted to the ground during The Valley Fire
Sep. 12th 2015
I guess the bottom line is you need to decide what you like. Unlike me, I am the original owner of a 1980 LG that still gives me a thrill every time I ride it. Before that I owned a 78 XS650. I bought the riceburners because in my younger days I couldn't afford an HD and they were owned by AMF, that's right the bowling ball company. Of course the quality of the HD's back in the 70s and 80s was not good and they leaked oil etc.... Only the die hards owned them back in those days. I am also the original owner of a 2002 FXSTB (Nightrain) softail. I must say however that my HD gives me a different kind of ride and is definitely well engineered. I have not had the first problem with it. I always wanted a Harley and bike ridiing is not about how fast you can go on it. I guess as you get older it's just about the freedom you can only feel astride a two wheeled vehicle no matter what name is on it. Oh by the way a motorcycle can be any color just as long as it's black.2 - 80 LGs bought one new
81 LH
02 FXSTB Nighttrain
22 FLTRK Road Glide Limited
How come people complained so much about the AMF Harleys? I never hear anyone complaining about their pinsetters. Interestingly a guy in my neighborhood has an old AMF Sportster (he bought it new) with 37k miles on it and he swears the motor's never been apart. Doesn't leak either. My friend Jim is always chasing leaks on his Twin Cam. Go figure.Shiny side up,
650 Mike
XS1100SF "Rusty", runs great, 96k miles
XS650SJ "The Black Bike", engine from XS650H with 750cc big bore kit, 30k miles
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and well preserved piece, but to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out and defiantly shouting, "WOW, what a ride !" - [URL=""]Sprung[/URL]