The local Hrley dealer here in Sioux Falls is having their demo ride week this week. I decided to try on a few Harleys. Now I'm not totally agianst a Harley but of the ones I rode this year sure makes me glad to have MIYAMI. To sum it up into 3 words, They all sucked. They didn't handel very well, didn't idle worth a dam, Low end torque was OK but couldn't keep a steady throttle at 60 mph. The 6 speed tranny was great but about as noisy as an XS. The XL1200L LowRider just about died when coming to a stop sign ( yes the clutch was disengaged ). Riding position was not very good. Felt like I was too stretched out with the foward controls ( 34" inseam ) and the bikes with the center controls felt like my knees where going to hit my arms. Really didn't care for the foward controls with the floorboards. found it hard to shift and don't like the heal/toe shifter. I guess you loose the comfort and ridability and alot of your bank account in order to be in with the "in" group, ( better known as " RUB's " ( rich urban bikers ),).Now that I bored everyone to death with this info, I think it's time for a ride on one of the greatest motorcycles ever built.
