Is there something we can do to save this bike. If Greg is making an offer for 2 he is not parting with junk. Greg knows these bikes he is careful in what he chooses when he finds them. If they were not good they would be parted to save others. Is there a criteria you want I am sure Greg can meet your needs As Motoman says the specials are much more suited to modify. Possibly there is a financial number you would entertain? Please understand to us it is loosing a piece of History like loosing a friend we love these bikes in any form but the purest is a rare find.
We are not a wealthy bunch of guys (at least not me every dime went to 4 daughters college I can barely keep a roof over my head) financial restitution is not easy but if you have a number throw it out there any one of us would make a 700 mile run tomorrow to save this one.
Is there something we can do to save this bike. If Greg is making an offer for 2 he is not parting with junk. Greg knows these bikes he is careful in what he chooses when he finds them. If they were not good they would be parted to save others. Is there a criteria you want I am sure Greg can meet your needs As Motoman says the specials are much more suited to modify. Possibly there is a financial number you would entertain? Please understand to us it is loosing a piece of History like loosing a friend we love these bikes in any form but the purest is a rare find.
We are not a wealthy bunch of guys (at least not me every dime went to 4 daughters college I can barely keep a roof over my head) financial restitution is not easy but if you have a number throw it out there any one of us would make a 700 mile run tomorrow to save this one.