old_skool...I got an absolutely killer deal on the old girl. $600 running, although she does need some TLC. She won't idle without the choke and stumbles on accel...the gas in the tank smells pretty rough so I'm betting the carbs are just gummed up. As far as rebuilding them goes, the only thing that worries me is gaskets and seals on 32 year old carbs. I don't know if they've EVER been apart, and I'd rather have parts on hand to put them back together than have to wait two months for something to come in the mail.
This is my first XS (and in truth...the first bike I've actually owned) so I'm JUST starting to learn my way around them. This forum was a nice find...lots of info scattered around here!
This is my first XS (and in truth...the first bike I've actually owned) so I'm JUST starting to learn my way around them. This forum was a nice find...lots of info scattered around here!