My transmission blew up today, at the worst possible time. Of course when is it ever a good for a tranny to blow up. I've spent the last 6 months and $500 getting this bike going. I finally got it running in time for a charity poker run tomorrow and I've been looking forward to it for a couple weeks now. I took a ride to the parts store for a new windshield, sissy bar pad, highway pegs, etc. On the way back, you guessed it, blown tranny.
Now my motorcycle is stranded 20 miles from home. If anybody has a new or rebuilt transmisson that will fit an 81 special, I would like some info on it. Also if anyone has info on what years will interchange with the 81 so I can keep my eyes open for more, that info would be appreciated also.
Now my motorcycle is stranded 20 miles from home. If anybody has a new or rebuilt transmisson that will fit an 81 special, I would like some info on it. Also if anyone has info on what years will interchange with the 81 so I can keep my eyes open for more, that info would be appreciated also.