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LOOKING for my old bike... New England

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  • #16
    Originally posted by jamak View Post
    FWIW, if you have a contact in LE, ask them to track the VIN nation/worldwide for a registration. If they're GOOD friends, and are savvy, they will come up with a lie that will fly for the search. Worst case, you find the last registered owner. If it's still out there, you would find at least that.
    Yeah, My cousin can do pretty much anything I need, Cheif in a small town PD. I'm still pining for the old girl.. lot's of fond memories! most of them at 8000+ RPM!


    • #17
      Hi Concours,

      My Dad and I have been XS11 Fans for a few years now. I have recently acquired nearly all the $500 or less 11's bikes on Mass or NH craigslist.

      That being said, none of the 5 I have here match your description. There was a black one with polished covers, carb caps etc, But it had a supertrapp Center stand compatible 4-1, and certainly not enough chrome to match the description, I will be taking a look at it tomorrow to verify for you. '86 is a long time ago now, who knows what may have been swapped out/changed since.

      I will definitely keep my eyes open
      XS11.Com resident Black Sheep


      • #18
        Originally posted by 79xs1100s View Post
        Hi Concours,

        My Dad and I have been XS11 Fans for a few years now. I have recently acquired nearly all the $500 or less 11's bikes on Mass or NH craigslist.

        That being said, none of the 5 I have here match your description. There was a black one with polished covers, carb caps etc, But it had a supertrapp Center stand compatible 4-1, and certainly not enough chrome to match the description, I will be taking a look at it tomorrow to verify for you. '86 is a long time ago now, who knows what may have been swapped out/changed since.

        I will definitely keep my eyes open
        Thanks! Maybe it'll turn up at Rice-O-Rama!


        • #19

          Hi Concours,

          My Dad and I have been XS11 Fans for a few years now. I have recently acquired nearly all the $500 or less 11's bikes on Mass or NH craigslist.

          That being said, none of the 5 I have here match your description. There was a black one with polished covers, carb caps etc, But it had a supertrapp Center stand compatible 4-1, and certainly not enough chrome to match the description, I will be taking a look at it tomorrow to verify for you. '86 is a long time ago now, who knows what may have been swapped out/changed since.

          I will definitely keep my eyes open
          Save some for the rest of us...
          Last edited by TheDuck; 11-26-2012, 10:46 PM.
          1980 xs1100G - Sold
          1981 Venturer - Stock


          • #20
            Early bird gets the worm my friend Were building 4 bikes.. Forgive us.
            XS11.Com resident Black Sheep


            • #21
              Good hunting

              Originally posted by 79xs1100s View Post
              Early bird gets the worm my friend Were building 4 bikes.. Forgive us.
              Well there's a guy up in Worchester area I think selling a midnight for $500. But needs quite a bit of work.
              Been keeping my eyes peeled for a bike in that price range to fix up this winter, since the one I grabbed this summer is just a wash and buff job.
              Think he said he'd go down to $400, so check it out on craigslist. Not really into the midnight a myself so had to pass. Too much work for me, specially if I was going to restore. Tough getting the parts for that bike.
              1980 xs1100G - Sold
              1981 Venturer - Stock


              • #22
                Holiday bump! Thinking of the old girl!


                • #23
                  Checkin back in...


                  • #24
                    80 sg

                    Will re unite you with the memories. I just finished getting a 1980 Black SG back on the road. It is a perfect gleaming 2300 mile bike and was stored since 1982 by the original owner. In resurrecting it , I kept the original tires (still had the factory lines in the grooves of the tread. It is like new in all ways. I took the original (red black) tank off to coat it and keep the original paint pristine . A nos 79 black tank is now on it. I have another xs1100 that I ride daily. Call me if my 80 interests you . Vance 248 625 1108. I know it is not your original VIN 80, but you won,t know when you climb aboard and go.
                    79 1100 SF Carmine Red stock
                    85 Honda v65 Magna
                    70 Yamaha HS1 90cc twin Californian Orange
                    02 Road King (retirement gift)
                    First bike-s 2-1967 Yamaha YM2C Big Bear Scramblers


                    • #25
                      Might be best if some of us put down on the registry what bikes we know do not exist any longer. I know I have 7 motors here that say the attached bike is defunct.
                      2-79 XS1100 SF
                      2-78 XS1100 E Best bike Ever
                      80 XS 1100 SG Big bore kit but not fully running yet.
                      Couple of more parts bikes of which 2 more will live!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Rasputin View Post
                        Might be best if some of us put down on the registry what bikes we know do not exist any longer. I know I have 7 motors here that say the attached bike is defunct.
                        May they RIP in your garage. Gone but not forgotten.
                        1981 XS1100 H Venturer ( Addie)
                        1983 XJ 650 Maxim
                        2004 Kawasaki Concours. ( Black Bear)


                        • #27
                          Xs 1100

                          I bought one in Wooster, MA last year that is like the one described,
                          Send me your email for pictures.

                          78E, 79F, 80G


                          • #28
                            chrome parts

                            Several years ago I bought engine parts from the Southern States, a chrome valve cover, clutch cover and timing cover all chromed......the Guy I purchased from is no longer on the site....wouldnt it be something if they were off the 80 SG....perhaps the part number would match an 80.....I have these chrome parts sitting on my original engine for my 78 XS11...the only chrome part I'm using is the valve cover on my 79 Special engine now on my bike.
                            Bruce Doucette
                            78XS1100 with a 79 special engine
                            Bruce Doucette
                            Phone #1 902 827 3217


                            • #29
                              Concours 80 SG

                              My last post was referencing Concours 8o XS1100 and the possibility my chrome parts were of his 80SG......Bruce
                              Bruce Doucette
                              Phone #1 902 827 3217


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by desert1 View Post
                                Several years ago I bought engine parts from the Southern States, a chrome valve cover, clutch cover and timing cover all chromed......the Guy I purchased from is no longer on the site....wouldnt it be something if they were off the 80 SG....perhaps the part number would match an 80.....I have these chrome parts sitting on my original engine for my 78 XS11...the only chrome part I'm using is the valve cover on my 79 Special engine now on my bike.
                                Bruce Doucette
                                78XS1100 with a 79 special engine
                                Hi Bruce, any idea what state he was in when you bought them? Did the timing cover and alternator cover by any chance have the "YAMAHA" script painted with blue metallic? Thanks!

