yeah when you ride with Brent you never have to worry about what items you might need alongside the road as he has most of everything...and true about what was most memorable...I was also referring to Gareth's Pannier lid which earlier in the day or the dau before had flown off in front of me and went skidding across the road...
What most people dont know about my Maxim was the week before that VT rally I had Jim Jordan do some engine repainting and general shine up of all parts...but when he re-assembled the bike not everything was torqued down. That whole ride up from NJ with Earl to meet Randy,Duwayne,Darrell and Gareth, my speedo cable had come loose and was trolling for asphalt...LOL and my rear airshocks had no air in them...The first day of the rally I rode over some harsh bumps and the bike totally bottom-ed out...hard. Then the footbracket on the right side was cracked through and later when the bolts finally loosened up and fell out there went the muffla as well...BTW that was a black and chrome Jardine which has since been replaced witha Kerker...and it aint going...NOWHERE!!!
What most people dont know about my Maxim was the week before that VT rally I had Jim Jordan do some engine repainting and general shine up of all parts...but when he re-assembled the bike not everything was torqued down. That whole ride up from NJ with Earl to meet Randy,Duwayne,Darrell and Gareth, my speedo cable had come loose and was trolling for asphalt...LOL and my rear airshocks had no air in them...The first day of the rally I rode over some harsh bumps and the bike totally bottom-ed out...hard. Then the footbracket on the right side was cracked through and later when the bolts finally loosened up and fell out there went the muffla as well...BTW that was a black and chrome Jardine which has since been replaced witha Kerker...and it aint going...NOWHERE!!!
