Well, I did it. I bought the 78 XS11! I'm excited, and frustrated at the same time, I long to ride it, but need to do SOOO much to it before I really can (at least anything more than around the block).
The beast, or, as I like to call her, the "maroon baboon" from the rear. I call her this because she's headstrong and frustrating like a baboon, but strong and quick, and she has a big, red ass.
...she's not your "garden variety" 1978 XS11.
...no, really, she's not. Whoever had this way back when put in some nice touches. I dig the floorboards, but I'm not sure about the shifter - it doesn't work as well as I'd like, but then again, maybe the transmission fluid needs to be changed.
....and so begins my odyssey into the realm of owning a classic bike, and trying to find a fun, inexpensive way to work everyday without having to hoof it for hours.
Tonight? Oil and spark plug change, front wheel removal (for a new tire - the rear is NEW), MAYBE tensioner adjustment to fix the wacky noise it makes (we discussed this before - pray with me that it's just a valve!)
weird stuff thus far: I got her delivered to my place, screwed the plugs back in all the way (they were hand tight after the compression check (which, by the way, went great! 130-150 PSI per cylinder! I think that with a better charge on the battery and a more thorough check after a nice ride, it should equal out to about 150 per. Anyhow, I started her, and she was acting... petulant. She didn't want to stay running, she had little to no power - getting her into my back yard was a REAL adventure (pushing a bike on gravel is NOT fun). She sat a bit longer, and I checked some hoses etc, and noticed that the priming line (at least, I THINK that's what it was) from the right side petcock was off the nozzle. I put that back on, checked everything, made sure the petcocks were set to "ON", and started the bike. It ran fine, but idled at about 2k. I unplugged the wire from the sparkplug of the noisy valve cylinder once again, and the idle settled down to about 1k. Pulling other wires individually didn't seem to do much.
Anyhow, I'll do a valve adjustment, tensioner adjustment, complete oil and lube change, get a new front tire, change my fork oil and seals, and then see how we stand.

The beast, or, as I like to call her, the "maroon baboon" from the rear. I call her this because she's headstrong and frustrating like a baboon, but strong and quick, and she has a big, red ass.

...she's not your "garden variety" 1978 XS11.

...no, really, she's not. Whoever had this way back when put in some nice touches. I dig the floorboards, but I'm not sure about the shifter - it doesn't work as well as I'd like, but then again, maybe the transmission fluid needs to be changed.
....and so begins my odyssey into the realm of owning a classic bike, and trying to find a fun, inexpensive way to work everyday without having to hoof it for hours.
Tonight? Oil and spark plug change, front wheel removal (for a new tire - the rear is NEW), MAYBE tensioner adjustment to fix the wacky noise it makes (we discussed this before - pray with me that it's just a valve!)
weird stuff thus far: I got her delivered to my place, screwed the plugs back in all the way (they were hand tight after the compression check (which, by the way, went great! 130-150 PSI per cylinder! I think that with a better charge on the battery and a more thorough check after a nice ride, it should equal out to about 150 per. Anyhow, I started her, and she was acting... petulant. She didn't want to stay running, she had little to no power - getting her into my back yard was a REAL adventure (pushing a bike on gravel is NOT fun). She sat a bit longer, and I checked some hoses etc, and noticed that the priming line (at least, I THINK that's what it was) from the right side petcock was off the nozzle. I put that back on, checked everything, made sure the petcocks were set to "ON", and started the bike. It ran fine, but idled at about 2k. I unplugged the wire from the sparkplug of the noisy valve cylinder once again, and the idle settled down to about 1k. Pulling other wires individually didn't seem to do much.
Anyhow, I'll do a valve adjustment, tensioner adjustment, complete oil and lube change, get a new front tire, change my fork oil and seals, and then see how we stand.