My son bought this bike last year and quickly learned that it has a 1st geer problem. It "stutters" badly like it's tyring to pop out of gear or something like that.
I've perused the site, which is really great, but i have some question that i haven't found yet:
1) what does the dremmel tool fix fix? I mean, what is going wrong that polishing with a dremel tool fixes?
2) do the symptoms i describe sound like the dremmel tool fix will solve the problem, or should we order some parts?
3) If the answer to 2 is "order parts" then what parts?
Thanks a bunch. The engine on this beast seems just fine but the tranny sure detracts.
My son bought this bike last year and quickly learned that it has a 1st geer problem. It "stutters" badly like it's tyring to pop out of gear or something like that.
I've perused the site, which is really great, but i have some question that i haven't found yet:
1) what does the dremmel tool fix fix? I mean, what is going wrong that polishing with a dremel tool fixes?
2) do the symptoms i describe sound like the dremmel tool fix will solve the problem, or should we order some parts?
3) If the answer to 2 is "order parts" then what parts?
Thanks a bunch. The engine on this beast seems just fine but the tranny sure detracts.