Put some pipes from mikesxs on the 3rd degree today, They are the slash cut megaphones w/ baffles. I put the pipes on and started the bike, not at ALL what I was expecting, perfect mufflers, could hardly even hear the bike running. SO I didnt like them. I had open turndowns on the bike before, I didnt like the small diameter pipes with turndowns because the sound was so much louder as it bounced off the ground. I was looking for something with a wider diameter and a little less noise, not completely silent. Long story short, I ended up knocking the baffles out and going with open pipes again. NOW heres the problem. I had open pipes before, as I do at the end of today, but somewhere in a matter of hours, I lost power. Question is, could the larger diameter pipes have taken away backpressure? Too much flow now, so no power???
Clutch slips in high power pulls, sometimes even completely out of gear. Would another clutch plate solve this? Or is it more so in the transmission? Mostly happens in the upper gears, 3-4-5. Ocassionaly it will slip out of gear when just crusing a city street in 3rd or 4th.
Whats your opinions on these matters?
Thanks for the help.
Any body wanna buy some 19" long x 3.5" outlet slash cut megaphones with only about 2hrs of ride time on them. baffles can be replaced. WIth the baffles they are REALLY quiet for anybody looking for some quiet yet sporty looking pipes. Name me a resonable price if you are interested.
Part #07-0042 on www.mikesxs.com
Put some pipes from mikesxs on the 3rd degree today, They are the slash cut megaphones w/ baffles. I put the pipes on and started the bike, not at ALL what I was expecting, perfect mufflers, could hardly even hear the bike running. SO I didnt like them. I had open turndowns on the bike before, I didnt like the small diameter pipes with turndowns because the sound was so much louder as it bounced off the ground. I was looking for something with a wider diameter and a little less noise, not completely silent. Long story short, I ended up knocking the baffles out and going with open pipes again. NOW heres the problem. I had open pipes before, as I do at the end of today, but somewhere in a matter of hours, I lost power. Question is, could the larger diameter pipes have taken away backpressure? Too much flow now, so no power???
Clutch slips in high power pulls, sometimes even completely out of gear. Would another clutch plate solve this? Or is it more so in the transmission? Mostly happens in the upper gears, 3-4-5. Ocassionaly it will slip out of gear when just crusing a city street in 3rd or 4th.
Whats your opinions on these matters?
Thanks for the help.
Any body wanna buy some 19" long x 3.5" outlet slash cut megaphones with only about 2hrs of ride time on them. baffles can be replaced. WIth the baffles they are REALLY quiet for anybody looking for some quiet yet sporty looking pipes. Name me a resonable price if you are interested.
Part #07-0042 on www.mikesxs.com