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Cylinder head nuts Source

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  • Cylinder head nuts Source

    My cylinder head acorn nuts look nasty. I assume I can replace them one at a time without hurting the seal. Where is a good place to grab some shiny new ones? Anyone have the part number and source?

  • #2
    Partzilla is a great place to start since you can look up the parts fische then cross reference them to other models. Ultimately eBay is going to be the lower priced choice.

    Suppose I could look all that up for you but if you figure it out on your own then you've upped your game when it comes to wrenching your own bike! Some people give away fish, some people teach fishin' but one thing I prefer to not do is jigging another mans chub.
    Last edited by LAB3; 09-19-2024, 10:14 AM.
    1980 XS1100G

    I identify as a man but according to the label on a package of Stauffers Baked Lasagne I'm actually a family of four!


    • #3

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      • #4
        Derust them and zinc plate them at home. It is an option.
        Marty (in Mississippi)


        • #5
          Originally posted by LAB3 View Post
          Partzilla is a great place to start since you can look up the parts fische then cross reference them to other models. Ultimately eBay is going to be the lower priced choice.

          Suppose I could look all that up for you but if you figure it out on your own then you've upped your game when it comes to wrenching your own bike! Some people give away fish, some people teach fishin' but one thing I prefer to not do is jigging another mans chub.
          Thats nice..., the reason I ask here is because I believe there are alot of very experienced people who have obtained the same parts, and rather than me hunting and trying to figure out which one is the best, the folks here could advise me. They have been very helpful so far keeping my old XS on the road with recommendations and advice. So, when I thought to myself I would like to replace these nuts, rather than do what you said I figured I bet the guys over on the forum would have a good source. Its kind of why we have forums to support these bikes! I have plenty of experience working on many different kinds of motorcycles, and plenty of experience with partzilla. That's not the point. Someone may know of a good option, which it seems is true based on more helpful, non condescending posts above. Not really sure what the point of your comment is, as I read it a few times, feel free not to comment on my posts anymore!


          • #6
            Originally posted by DEEBS11 View Post
            Thanks, I will check these out!


            • #7
              I have wire brushed them with a Dremel and painted them with Rustoleum silver paint.

              You'd be surprised at how decent it looks.

              Not necessary to remove them from the engine.
              '79 XS1100SF 20k miles
              '80 XS1100SG 44k miles
              '81 XS1100H Venturer 35k miles
              '79 XS750SF 17k miles
              '85 Honda V65 Magna ~7k miles
              '84 Honda V65 Magna 48k miles (parts bike)
              '86 Yamaha VMAX 9k miles

              Previous: '68 Motoguzzi 600cc + '79 XS750SF 22k miles +'84 Honda V65


              • #8
                Check Their kits aren’t JIS, but worth a look. I’ve purchased two XS650 kits from them.
                Marty (in Mississippi)


                • #9
                  I did mine over with the $5.00 units. Unscrewed and retorqued one at a time so the head gasket wouldn't blow.

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