As I continue working on my dueling projects, I am in and out of my shed a lot, looking for parts. The latest item found buried deep in the shed... A pair of Excel coils. I don't remember where they came from, But I know I never had them on any of my bikes. They both measure 3.5 ohms on the primary side and 11.5k on the secondary. And what surprised me is the resistance of the plug wires: ~ 4k. I guess that's ok, because I tested the new leftover wire pieces that were in the box.... I'm thinking about using them on the 79SF that I am working on now because it still has the original OEM coils.
Anyhow, Has anyone ever used these on their xs11? Good? Bad? Appreciate any advice or recommendations. Thanks.

Anyhow, Has anyone ever used these on their xs11? Good? Bad? Appreciate any advice or recommendations. Thanks.