As many of us have bikes that were made in 1978 and above-the fuel tanks wont last forever. Since the metal fuel tanks in good to great condition are almost impossible to find- since many dirt bikes came with plastic fuel tanks is that even an option? Anyone ever explore that option? I know maybe dumb question but we need the fuel to run.
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fuel tank
LOts of xs sives have used tank liners with good success, as the gas tank liquied liner will probably outlast all of us. I did a few tanks about 12 years ago and zero issues, so if those of you have tanks with SMALL holes or lots of rust,,,,try the tank liners,,,,do the prep, clean tank thoroughly, follow instructions, there is probably a lot of info on the old searches about which types work best. I used a cheap ebay fuel tank liner and it was fine.....anyway, I wish there was an alternative,,,most plastic gets brittle, other tanks dont mount right so.............good luck either way.............Mike in San Diego and Pa.