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How do you align the alternator

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  • How do you align the alternator

    When I was waking my bike after a long slumber, the bolts under the cover that hold the windings came loose. It blew the main fuse. I tightened them up and she runs without blowing a fuse and charges at a normal rate. I now hear a metallic rubbing sound when it's running. Is there a procedure to align the alternator?
    1979 XS1100 Special
    1980 XS1100 Std parts bucket
    1987 ZL1000 Eliminator
    1976 XS750D Project in waiting

  • #2
    In the alternator cover, the stator and the field coil sit in slots to ensure proper alignment. I would loosen all the bolts pertaining to these and make sure they are all sitting flush, then evenly tighten them. Bolt the cover back on and rotate the engine by hand from under the left side cover to ensure there is no contact.
    Last edited by bikerphil; 10-20-2021, 09:52 AM.
    2H7 (79) owned since '89
    3H3 owned since '06

    "If it ain't broke, modify it"


    • #3
      I have removed the alternator cover completely on three XS11's and an XS750, and when I re-installed them, all I had to do was bolt it back together; nothing special.

      Maybe there are ferrous shavings hanging out in your magnetic gap?
      '79 XS1100SF 20k miles
      '80 XS1100SG 44k miles
      '81 XS1100H Venturer 35k miles
      '79 XS750SF 17k miles
      '85 Honda V65 Magna ~7k miles
      '84 Honda V65 Magna 48k miles (parts bike)
      '86 Yamaha VMAX 9k miles

      Previous: '68 Motoguzzi 600cc + '79 XS750SF 22k miles +'84 Honda V65


      • #4
        Took it apart, inspected, cleaned and re-assembled sounds great now. I saw some rub marks so when I put it back together I seated it, hand tightened the 3 bolts then lightly tapped on it with small dead blow hammer to make sure it was seated (in case it got buggered) then evenly tightened it down.

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        1979 XS1100 Special
        1980 XS1100 Std parts bucket
        1987 ZL1000 Eliminator
        1976 XS750D Project in waiting

