i have just got my 1100 special back on the road after sitting about 2 years. This is the second time in the last 5 I have revived it. I got some ignition and carberator problems lined out, but i tested the rectifier according to the clymer manual resistance check and on all the leads i was comeing up with an open circut. The bike will run, I even took it for a short test ride.
The field coil magnetises, but I think I am running on the battery alone. It is my understanding that if you have a good battery your bike doesn't need the ac genorateor or the rectifier.
If there is anyone who can confirm or clairify this I would appriciate it.
The field coil magnetises, but I think I am running on the battery alone. It is my understanding that if you have a good battery your bike doesn't need the ac genorateor or the rectifier.
If there is anyone who can confirm or clairify this I would appriciate it.