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Can someone experienced check over this?

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  • Can someone experienced check over this?


    Appreciate heaps the help from my last post! Just researching and compiling a list of things to do to my bike these hols, so was hoping someone could give me a tick of approval or suggest other things to look at.

    My bike was/is running hugely rich under 4k rpm. So...
    - I'm getting pod filters, to save time getting carbs out each time while I tune, and to let more air through (currently have stock filter).
    - Currently mains are 102.5, stock is 110, so thinking of getting 110s, seeing how they are, and then considering 115s (As have 4 to 1 exhaust, not stock, plus the pod filters...2 sizes should be ok, from what I've read on the jet sizing post?)
    - 2 mechanics now have told me emulsion tubes are badly worn, so will, before making any other mods, move the needles down a notch or two - hopefully if it runs better, won't need to replace them?
    - check and adjust float levels PRECISELY...oh, sorry, this one done before everything else above...maybe try dropping the level 1 or 2mm to try to solve the richness?
    - also, have seen on Merriam Cycles they suggest moving the spacer from next to 2nd gear to solve the notorious 2nd gear problem...does anyone have any experience doing this themselves? Is it as simple as moving a spacer to another position? My gearbox is currently pretty good...jumps out of gear everynow and then but only if i stuff up the change (still learning this machine).
    - will look at getting OEM pilot jets if the above doesn't help at all, have heard of the K&L oversize issue and can't be sure this hasn't happened to my bike.

    My biggest problem is I'm a student, and so will struggle to fund a full-on restoration (not that this bike needs much), and parts are pretty hard to find in this corner of the world, international shipping making it similarly prohibitive to access great resources like you guys have in the US. I really love the bike even though I haven't had a decent ride from it yet (because it's running with so little power), so if anyone has any tips on cheap tuning tricks, I'd be happy to know it!

    Thanks in advance for any help, this is an amazing resource!

    Also, if there's any aussies in Brisbane on here, feel free to drop me a line

    '81 XS1100RH (Australian)

  • #2
    also, have seen on Merriam Cycles they suggest moving the spacer from next to 2nd gear to solve the notorious 2nd gear problem...does anyone have any experience doing this themselves?
    I've did 5 like this and it works flawlessly. Be sure and bevel the inside of the washer so the gears rotate freely.
    "We are often so caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey." "


    • #3

      This site is the best for saving $$, (those yammarobber mechs are pricey and can miss stuff you can find, if you take your time)

      Just keep reading and you will find the answer as it appears you have on your carb issues, as it states in some of the posts; only change one thing at a time in your carbs as you will be able to isolate the problem areas easier,

      other than that keep plugging away and keep us posted.
      '82 Xj1100j

      "Ride for the Son"

      < )) ><



      • #4
        Re: Can someone experienced check over this?

        There are many variables that you can change with carbs. I would recommend that you change one thing at a time and evaluate/correct before the next change. With the later model carbs, you can change a lot by adjusting the float levels (all ranges). Although I don't have experience with K&L pilot jets, I am betting that you can find jet numbers that work, even though the numbering does not correspond with Micunis. I am pretty sure that Micuni also changed THEIR numbering system sometime along the way... I know the side holes were oriented differently!
        Skids (Sid Hansen)

        Down to one 1978 E. Stock air box with K&N filter, 81H pipes and carbs, 8500 feet elevation.


        • #5
          click HERE for jet settings for carburator by model
          Here for
          Reccomendations on jet sizes by upgrade
          Here for the Mke Hart great carb jetting quest. (Awesomest thread ever)
          I'm in the same boat as you basically. My pipes are rusted through and my air filter doesn't look like it filters air more than it insulates the carbs from any contact with the outside world. Hermetically sealed air filter... Whats up with that?
          79 XS1100F "JINGUS"
          07 V-star 1100
          Do you want it done right or do you want me to do it?


          • #6
            Win, these seemingly endless crowds of mechanics all queuing up and telling you that the tubes are worn - are they actually showing you the tubes? Or are they hurriedly bolting them back in to hide them from sight again? I've heard horror stories of modern carbed sportbikes wearing tubes oval within 8000K's but XS11's aint tinny modern sportbikes. I've got heaps of XS tubes and needles scavanged from old worn out buggered wrecks with hundreds of thousands of K's clocked up. All the tubes are still in brand new condition. Seems a bit strange to me mate.


            • #7

              am waiting for exams to be over at uni so i can strip the carbs down myself and see what bs the mechanics have been throwing.

              will let you know how it is in a few weeks.
              '81 XS1100RH (Australian)

