this bike is for sale, less than $100 here in my area. I just went and looked at it and its in pretty rough condition. Has the original Yamaha fairing less the windshield, has hard bags, highway/crash bars. All of the aluminum had a buildup of oxidation, everywhere. The protective rails for the hardbags are rusted, tires are bad, rotors are all get the picture.
I have only a moderate wrenching ability (but learning thanks to all of you) and was thinking about buying it and spending the next year or more restoring it. Its something I don't want to spend a lot of money on other than items for maintenance, pads, seals, gaskets, tires, etc, would plan on making a shield for the fairing and the rest off ebay.
What say ye? I know some of you would jump at this if you had the time. I have the time just not totally sure if I have the ability to stick with it til its done.
I have only a moderate wrenching ability (but learning thanks to all of you) and was thinking about buying it and spending the next year or more restoring it. Its something I don't want to spend a lot of money on other than items for maintenance, pads, seals, gaskets, tires, etc, would plan on making a shield for the fairing and the rest off ebay.
What say ye? I know some of you would jump at this if you had the time. I have the time just not totally sure if I have the ability to stick with it til its done.