ok been riding my bike for many years. the other night i parked it. got up to go to work and zipoo. check the batt,it was very low on liquid (i know shame on me )fill it with tap and through the charger on. Fires right up and off to work i go. After work zipo,get a jump fires right up off i go home (32 miles ) get home try to restart no dice. Well batts shot,so i buy new one for the bike fill it with acid and charge per instructions. rode back and forth for the last few days mon,tue and half today coming home pulling up to a go and stop light bang bike goes dead,no warning just like i hit the key. Now no power,it's 2 am in the morning call the ole lady to come wiyh cables, she gets there put on cables bang instantly fires as soon as i hook up cabes. drive it home no probs till i get in driveway start to play a littlepull in clutch and let the idle go to idle speed,lights start cto dim ,rev it a hair lights go bright,let off throttle and it dies no power whatso ever.NOW the question is whats my problem ? Does the xj have a voltage reg? i would think that is my prob as the bike runs as long as the idle is up.I'm thinking it's not putting the correct voltage back in the batt to charge. Help oh xs gods.sorry for the length but i have to ride this bike or quit my job do to fuel prices