OK, I thought the Falcon was finally going to be "dialed in" this weekend, but it appears unlikely now. Pod filters, 4 into 1, and accel coils are the relevant details. The PO had installed the 4 into 1, and 140 jets along with it. I bought a set of 147.5's to try after fitting the pods and new coils. Ran like crap, regardless of needle setting. I put the 140's back in and started experimenting with needle height. 4th notch seemed to work out the best. Still too lean, but rideable to be sure. So I ordered 142.5's and 145's from MikesXS. I put the 142.5's in two hours ago and have tried a couple of clip settings on the needle. All ran like crap. Since the 140's were on my bench next to the new, unused 145's, I compared the two jets. I believe the 140's are genuine Mikuni's, while the others I have bought are not. Regardless of the orifice size, the jets are DIFFERENT! The mikuni jets have a larger taper or chamfer leading to the metering orifice, and the bore is much shallower when viewed from the threaded end. I pulled out the 137's from a rebuild kit that I never used and they appeared the same as the generic jets, I.E. NOT like the Mikuni jets. The close proximity of my neighbors prevents me from doing any more swapping tonight, but I think that when I put the 140's back in, things will improve. I'll be searching the local shops for larger MIKUNI jets tomorrow. While I'm at it, has anyone else inspected the plastic needle retainers on their carbs? (78-79's) They're numbered, and the rotation of a tiny little plastic nub is different relative to the two off-center locating nubs. You know, I could have bought a CB750...
