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  • transmission

    Since I have carbs and especially brakes in order now I have been a little more "ballsy" with riding/shifting.

    As I get on it off the line goes into 2nd ok, right at redline. Goes into 3rd easier at redline. Once I get the bike up to around 6500 rpm it seems to just jump to 8000 rpm like it is missing those 1500 rpm. It feels like I am pulling in on the clutch (I am not). It will pick up at about 8000 and continue up the rpm range like normal. I have not taken it too far above redline. 4th and 5th gear are no problem at all.

    Feels like clutch slipping, but only in 3rd? and only at this rpm? Weird.

    P.S. Was going 7000 rpm at 95 mph this afternoon, sure felt great. With new rubber will try for more!
    Travis Miller
    1978 E

  • #2
    Hey Travis,

    I think you've ruled out Tranny, and clutch by your description, and you're right, never heard of it popping out of gear in 3rd, and if it did and then went back in, it would be a more sudden jolt event!! Remember that the vacuum advance/retard unit is involved and in third gear, you may be hitting just the right amount of combination of cent. advance and vacuum actuation under that gear and load....sounds like a possible pickup coil problem starting to show up!? Cause, when you hit 6500 in 3rd, the advance plate is turned to a certain point, then it cuts out, you add more throttle, vacuum increases, pulling advance plate to a different position, wires reconnect, and zoom, you're off at 8krpm.

    If you clutch were slipping, it would show up more in the higher gears under load! Just my thoughts!?
    T. C. Gresham
    81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
    79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
    History shows again and again,
    How nature points out the folly of men!


    • #3
      Thanks for your thoughts. I kinda thought about the pick up wires, but I guess that I assumed that it would do the same thing in all 5 gears at 6500 rpm. I will check out the wires when I have a rainy day. It is not enough of a problem now! Thanks for your help.

      Travis Miller
      1978 E


      • #4
        hello men,... i seem to get this same reaction but i get it in second gear... it feels like i pulled the clutch in and out really quick..only in second and only when im hauling ass... i thought it might be the way i cut my gears, maybe uneven .. and after reading about cutting the gears here some one writes about a spacer holding the two gears to far apart...a washer that keeps the gear from making contact with the big clip that keeps the two gears where they belong
        does this sound close or is there somthing else im over looking?


        • #5
          Yeah, Gnepig,

          You said you cut your gears, did you already to the 2nd gear undercutting dremmel repair?? I did mine 4 years ago, and NO slip/skip whatsoever, with lots of torque applied to it in mountains roads, etc.! If you only cut the square across, then they probably aren't holding. You would have needed to slightly undercut them a few degrees, like a dove tail joint, which keeps it pulling them together under the extra washer isn't necessarily needed....IMHO.... but others will differ and say the 2nd washer is the fix to end all fixes!? YMMV
          T. C. Gresham
          81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
          79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
          History shows again and again,
          How nature points out the folly of men!


          • #6
            yes i did slightly under cut/back cut the dogs and the grooves
            this is the 4th xs11
            trans that i have done this too and the only one that has this problem ...i did put the washer back were it came from originaly
            didnt know if it made a differance or not
            i was thinking of pulling the gears back out and making shure that i cut them all even
            and was wondering if i should leave the washer out or move it elsewhere
            that other guys problem sounds similar to mine


            • #7
              Well, I put the washer back in the original location on the 3 trannies that I fixed, and had no problems with them holding in 1st or 2nd! I don't like the idea of the gear spinning against JUST the circlip! Others have recommended Removing some of the contact area of the gear next to the washer, and putting an extra washer on the other side!?

              Like you said, you did 3 others and they all worked, this one just may not have been ground as much as needed!?
              T. C. Gresham
              81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
              79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
              History shows again and again,
              How nature points out the folly of men!


              • #8
                ...thank you TC!

