I have the factory style hard bags on my bike.They are fiberglass with removable lids and have Yamaha printed on them.I would like a trunk to match the bags.Did Yamaha or there supplier ever make one. What about trunks off of other bikes,What has anyone tried and how does it look. I have a large luggage rack now so all I would need is the trunk. Let me know!
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Looking for a trunk for my bike!
Yamaha did have a trunk. I used a "HD" trunk on my first 1100, as it was bigger than the Yamaha one. I just match painted it, and it worked great.
My current bike has a Vetter trunk on it. I've seen some nice trunks at the local bike shop. If you want a new one, check out http://www.roadridermca.com/. This is just one of many shops that carry touring gear.
RayRay Matteis
XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!