OK, here's what happens sometimes.
While I'm riding (in 3rd or 4th gear at bout 4-6k rpm), sometimes the bike jerks a bit... under moderate acceleration, like a momentary loss of power. Made me think a bit today... shaft drive gears slipping, gearbox (kida doubt it), the dampener on the secondary shaft or something?
Camchain and primary chain were replaced bout 8000 miles ago with new ones, so were all the bearings in the middle drive,...
I was kinda thinking in the ways of broken pick-up wires. Anyone had this problem?
PS: 78E offcourse.
While I'm riding (in 3rd or 4th gear at bout 4-6k rpm), sometimes the bike jerks a bit... under moderate acceleration, like a momentary loss of power. Made me think a bit today... shaft drive gears slipping, gearbox (kida doubt it), the dampener on the secondary shaft or something?
Camchain and primary chain were replaced bout 8000 miles ago with new ones, so were all the bearings in the middle drive,...
I was kinda thinking in the ways of broken pick-up wires. Anyone had this problem?
PS: 78E offcourse.
