Riding for the first time in many years and LOVE is FOREVER! I have a 1979 XS1100F with Stage one dyno kit, relieved airbox, crossdrilled rotors, SS brake lines. and a Jardine four into two with a crossover and straight flared tail pipes which are rare. I did the old 55 in fifth down to third trick last week (April 8, 05) and cracked it with one eye on the tach until it got to about 7200 when I realized I was steering with a little head movement from side to side because she had pulled the front end off the ground at about 85MPH and climbing FAST...so rolled off and tripped back up to fifth and putted home. But I STILL cannot get the silly grin off my face! Get It! C.J.
No announcement yet.
Excessive Acceleration!
Never tried. BUT, now I have to so I can vote.S.R.Czekus
1-Project SG (Ugly Rat Bike)(URB)
1-big XS patch
1-small XS/XJ patch
1-XS/XJ owners pin.
1-really cool XS/XJ owners sticker on my helmet.
2-2005 XS rally T-shirts, (Bean Blossom, In)
1-XVS1300C Yamaha Stryker Custom (Mosquito)
1-VN900C Kawasaki Custom (Jelly Bean)
Just do it !!!!!
I can relate dude!
Chevy, if I did that while swmbo was on board, I am sure that would be the absolute last time she would accompany me on the bike, and my helmet would have a huge crack in it and not from hitting the pavementShe is just now starting to ride a little bit more, and I have to watch every move so she doesn't freak with every litte twitch. She has actually come along way since I started riding what she named at one time "The death machine "" and "orphan maker" (we have three young kids). I think it's true what they say about opposites attracting, because she truly hated bikes and riding at one time not so long ago. We're working through it though.
They Call Me the Breeze
'79 SF
I still have not had my girlfriend on the back. She has not been on a bike since she was 17 and some idiot freaked her out. I know I won't be doing any "roll ons" once I get her on back, but I do plenty on my way over the hill to work evey morning!!Ray Matteis
XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!
Second Gear!*! OOHH Yaah! Did I everlastingly crank on my first F (The Only Bike I Ever Bought New)in a nominal 25MPH left hander w/the old V rated R compound Dunlop K-291s and just about scraping my left elbow WIDE open in second when the front end washed on me and at that point your entrails begin to swiftly climb toward your throat and the ONLY thing you can do is stay right on it and lean in harder which forced the rear to break loose and track out so the whole shooting match just drifted right around the bend and came up and out straight down centerlane....but it sure did get my pulse rate up a little!...I've kinda toned it down a touch in my old (58) age, but still have that streak 'O cowboy in me even if I am a "Real Green Mountain Boy" (Vermont to you folks) 13th State in the Union and my very lucky number. Two Fs: One with a Terraplane, an E for luck and pieces and a bunch of secret stuff. The emphasis on STUFF as I just picked up my first Special (An SG)which has a Ford S-8 Turbo sitting behind the block. Still kinda scratchin' my hed w/that...C.J.Christopher. "The Gimp"
Yeah, I remember my first experience with the XS11's power after coming back to the States from Japan, getting my Bone Stock 81SH broken in, and was driving in some stop and go traffic near a shopping zone. There were several lanes in the same direction, and I was sitting there just flicking the throttle a little, then heard this little roar beside me as this idiot in a cage was revving his engine egging me on to a little streetlight drag. So...I rapped it up in 1st to 8.5k and speed shifted into 2nd and felt the front end get very light as the clutch fully gripped, eased off it and stopped at the next light....way before the cage rolled up!Still grinning after all these years!!
T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
Hmmm... both... 1 and 2.
If I'm not careful in 3rd, the back tire will spin. Makes fun overtaking cars up to 60.
A two up wheelie.... definetly. If I want to. Solo. Sometimes on an incline on the way to a friends house. Too many houses near and kids to really show off. You never know what will run in front of you.
How bout stoppies? I tried a few times, but the front tire looses grip and it gets kinda scary from there if you're not careful.
LPIf it doesn't have an engine, it's not a sport, it's only a game.
(stole that one from I-dont-know-who)
The freakiest thing happened to me on Zilla this summer. I was in Branson, MO on a little road trip. I had just pulled out of the Wal-Mart parking lot onto the main street in downtown Branson. About a dozen BMW (and simlar clones) were bearing down on me. I just rolled the throttle trying to get up to speed.
Remember Zilla is a full dressed XJ (not the hottest of the Elevens) and was loaded down in the front. I had tools and stuff in the fairing glove boxes and a full tank of gas. No one on the back and no weight on the back to prompt a wheelie.
As I rolled the throttle to get out of the way of the BEEMERS the front end came straight up...whoa fella whoa whoa... I might expect this behavior if I had revved and dumped the clutch...but all I did was roll the throttle. Really surprised me.
But I guess it shouldn't.....it's an Eleven!
OK wheelie poppers - answer: condition of engine - psi - elevation - and how many miles are/were on your bikes....
Ben1985 Yamaha VMX12n "Max X" - Stock
1982 Honda XL500r "Big Red" - Stump Puller. Unknown mileage.
1974-78 Honda XL350 hybrid - The thumper that revs. Unknown miles.
1974 Suzuki TC/TS125 hybrid. Trials with trail gear. Invaluable. Unknown miles.
1971 Honda CL350. For Dad. Newtronic Electronic Ign. Reliable. Unknown miles.
1982 XS650
1980 XS1100g
1979 XS1100sf
1978 XS1100e donor
HI aef7
As many will tell you ( THE BLACK ) likes to pick here wheel up at 166.000 miles and now at 167.000 she got a motor with only 14.000. no problem at all . I tkink it is in the carbs and cluch.
BruceBruce Gerken
'79 XS1100SF
"The Black"
'2009 BMW k1300GT'
The Red Sled.
St.Augustine (354-430 AD) wrote,"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page . Well motorcycles turn the book of the world into a page turner. That is often impossible to put down.