Here is a little history to start.
Bike had new head Put on 5 years ago. Everything checked out good. Bike had no issues after that. 1 year later a Diaphram got a hole in it when the carb was taken apart to get cleaned. Bike sat for four years. I replaced the slide yesterday and Re cleaned the carbs even thought they apeared to be cleaned. I have 78-79 carbs on a 81 xs. I took the air box out for it was pluged when i started. Looks like mice lived in it. I can get one hit when i put ether in the intake. And it just explodes once and thats it. So I took the exhaust off to make sure it wasn't in habited as well while I work on the bike. It seems like Air flow is not an issue. The carbs are taking in gass just fine and I can make my plugs get wet if i play with the throttle too much. I have a good Blue Spark across all of my plugs. All the plugs apear to be good. I have cleaned them again and checked gaps every thing is kosher. The ignition timing should be dead on from when it was parked. we did try to advance and retartd it a little bit just to make sure. So hear is my delima.
I have Air
I have Fuel
I have Spark
I have no running bike. Can't even get it to hit twice
Seems like it only hits on the ether off a compression stroke only do to compression of the ether.
Any tips or advise?
Bike had new head Put on 5 years ago. Everything checked out good. Bike had no issues after that. 1 year later a Diaphram got a hole in it when the carb was taken apart to get cleaned. Bike sat for four years. I replaced the slide yesterday and Re cleaned the carbs even thought they apeared to be cleaned. I have 78-79 carbs on a 81 xs. I took the air box out for it was pluged when i started. Looks like mice lived in it. I can get one hit when i put ether in the intake. And it just explodes once and thats it. So I took the exhaust off to make sure it wasn't in habited as well while I work on the bike. It seems like Air flow is not an issue. The carbs are taking in gass just fine and I can make my plugs get wet if i play with the throttle too much. I have a good Blue Spark across all of my plugs. All the plugs apear to be good. I have cleaned them again and checked gaps every thing is kosher. The ignition timing should be dead on from when it was parked. we did try to advance and retartd it a little bit just to make sure. So hear is my delima.
I have Air
I have Fuel
I have Spark
I have no running bike. Can't even get it to hit twice
Seems like it only hits on the ether off a compression stroke only do to compression of the ether.
Any tips or advise?