Hey, I know that there are tire threads all over the forum, but I can't seem to find the specific answer I'm looking for. Has anyone put a 130 width tire on the rear of an '81 XS1100H (standard)? The tire on there now is a 120 and there doesn't seem to be a lot of room between the tire and the shaft drive. As I'm sure you're aware, tires in the right sizes for our bikes, mine anyway, seem to be few and far between. I currently have an Avon Super Venom 120/90/17 on the rear and the same tire in 100/90/19 on the front. The front tire still looks practically new, but the rear is nearly worn out after only 3500 miles. I'm looking to go to the Bridgestone Battlax BT45 which is offered in 120/90/17 and 130/90/17, but I'm also looking at a Pirelli Sport Demon which I can only find in the 130/90/17 size. Just not sure if the 130 width would fit my particular bike.
Also, I am on the verge of ordering brake pads for the rear of the same bike. Has anyone used the pads listed here at parts and more https://www.partsnmore.com/item_inde...art_unique=567 ? This is the right part right? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also, I am on the verge of ordering brake pads for the rear of the same bike. Has anyone used the pads listed here at parts and more https://www.partsnmore.com/item_inde...art_unique=567 ? This is the right part right? Any help would be greatly appreciated.