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Strangeness in carburettor

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  • Strangeness in carburettor

    I posted in another thread (rough running) about the difficulty I have been having with my 80 XS Special. Today, with no change, I stripped the carbs and found the following. 1, the face of number one butterfly has a light wet carbon appearance. 2, removed all floats and needles, number four has no neoprene tip and doesn't appear to have had one at any time. (also had no retaining spring) 3, found number four vacuum jet stuck in slot. (should the slot line up with the peg in the bore?) 4, light oily substance found in all four air cleaners. 5, light fuel traces in all four engine side intakes. I am currently soaking all the jets in seafoam but I would sure appreciate any tips before I re-assemble the system tomorrow. Thanks in advance for all your help folks, Chris.

  • #2
    First, go to ebay or one of the online parts houses and get yourself four carb kits. The kit will include a new float valve assembly, and gaskets. You shouldn't need any hard parts unless something gets screwed up during disassembly. You have one float needle wth no rubber tip. That one will need to be replaced, and while you're right there...replace the others.
    If the vacuum jet you refer to is the tube that the main jet needle sits in, the that is known as the main nozzle. It should have a series of small hole in four sides of it. It is important that these holes are clean. There is notch in the nozzle that does line up with a small tab in the carb body near the bottom of the nozzle, where the main jet screws in. The jet pushes up through the carb for removal, so the tops and slides must be removed. When pushing the jet up, it can be stuck very tightly. Be careful of the threads for the main jet. It is easy to mess them up. Use a wooden dowel if you can, to drive the nozzles out. Clean the snot out of everything. Then, do it again. Don't even try to reassemble them until you have the new parts in them. It will save you some time by waiting for the parts to arrive, and not having to pull the carbs back out when you realize that the float needle with no tip doesn't work. Take your time and good luck.


    • #3

      HUH ??? I appreciate all input, but could you at least punctuate and enunciate ? Chris.


      • #4

        I thought he made it pretty clear (as long as one is mechanically minded).... and I would think enunciating would be a little difficult as that is for clarity of audible sounds... not generally in reference to written word.
        Perhaps, if you ask for help and don't understand the assistance given... you should try asking more questions and not critiquing those trying to help.
        At least he didn't give you one long run-on sentence.
        81 SH Something Special
        81 frame, 80 tank and side covers, 79 tail light and carbs, 78 engine, 750 final drive mod, Geezer rec/reg, 140 mains, LH wheels

        81SH Nor'eas tah (Old Red)
        80 LG Black Magic
        78 E Standard Practice

        James 3:17

        If I can make at least one person smile, or pee their pants a little, or maybe spit out their drink; then my day is not wasted.

        “Alis Volat Propriis”

        Yamaha XS 1100 Classic
        For those on FB


        • #5
          What are you, an English teacher? I thought I was quite clear and consise. You asked for help. I gave you some. I didn't expect to be criticized. I am not typist, I am a mechanic, so if I may have missed a period, or comma, or even misspelled a word or two, oh well. I didn't get on your case for not knowing what you're doing! Don't be a Jag!
          81 SH Something Special
          81 frame, 80 tank and side covers, 79 tail light and carbs, 78 engine, 750 final drive mod, Geezer rec/reg, 140 mains, LH wheels

          79 SF MEAUQABEAUXS
          81SH Nor'eas tah (Old Red)
          80 LG Black Magic
          78 E Standard Practice

          James 3:17

          If I can make at least one person smile, or pee their pants a little, or maybe spit out their drink; then my day is not wasted.

          “Alis Volat Propriis”

          Yamaha XS 1100 Classic
          For those on FB


          • #6
            The above post was not written by Wildkat. I was written by me. She just hadn't logged out when I wrote that.


            • #7
              I smell an interesting thread here. Spring fever?

              Hey, Chrisr, why don't you bring your problem to a Yamaha dealer? I'm sure they'd be glad to help


              • #8
                Maybe we could locate a dealer for him, and tell them he is coming over. He'd better bring his wallet, check book, AND credit card though.


                • #9
                  I guess I deserve that, but go to E-bay ? You can't be serious ? This started out as an observation of what I found when the carb"s where pulled, throwing a complete set of jets, needles etc etc is not an answer, it is a cop out solution employed because you can't analyse the problem at hand. The bike was running properly before with this set up, why not now? If I took your "mechanic's" logic one step further, i'd just go out and buy a new set of carb's! I mean, why bother pulling them all apart? I deserve being criticised for my rudeness, but I could do without the BS. I have been a Porsche Master Technician for twenty years,if my solution to all of my customer's problems was to throw new parts on the vehicle untill I hit paydirt, I doubt I'd still be in business. With the utmost respect and appologies, Chris.


                  • #10

                    Parts you can get anywhere. Ebay just happens to be a good source, and quick. The specific knowledge base and experience available to you here (for nothing) however is priceless.

                    If I asked for help with a Porsche problem I would not dismiss the recommendations of a Master Technician just because i didn't get the answer I would have liked.

                    You were given a thorough detailed response from a very experienced owner of this particular piece of hardware on a subject about which he is an expert compared to someone who has never worked on this equipment before.
                    I don't care if you're a space shuttle mechanic, nobody knows everything. There are two thousand of us here who have done all of this and been exactly where you are now.

                    The solution you were given will, in the end, save you time, frustration and money.


                    • #11
                      Point taken. I will now go and sulk for a while. Chris.


                      • #12

                        I never said to replace all of the hard parts in the carbs. The kits I said you would need only contain the float valves, and a new bowl gasket. I don't believe in just throwing parts at a problem until one sticks either. I too am a mechanic, not a parts changer, with over 25 years of doing what I do. I have owned my 80 SG since 91 and over the years I have learned a thing or two about the XS11. I may not know squat about the particulars of other models, but I know my bike. Knowing you have an 80 SG tells me that the float valves have an O ring that seals them from the carb body because they would be the push in type, and not the screw in type. Also attached to the top of the float valve assembly is a small strainer. It can become clogged very easily. Removing the float valves usually damages them because they will be stuck in their bore, and it will take a good amount of force to extract them. That will distort them and the needles will hang up in them. The only way that I have found to avoid distorting them is to insert the shank end of a drill bit that just fits inside the seat. Then the squeezing force of the pliers that you will be using will not distort the seats.
                        I normally don't jump on people like that, but I had just got up, and I can be kinda grumpy in the morning.

                        Wanna take a hit of the peace pipe?


                        • #13
                          Also, it seems to me, that good advise was given because you were going to have the carbs pulled apart anyway and that is a good time to do some cleaning, tuneup and replacement. Unless you want to take them apart again. I'd do it now. I find the info on these forum very valuable. No where else are you going to get as good information for free.

                          Let's Roll
                          1978 Yamaha XS750 SE


                          • #14
                            Peace pipe

                            I posted when I got home last night John, beer and Blackhaus has a funny way of making normal situations seem absurd. I am puffing on the pipe. Sorry for having a pop at you. Chris.


                            • #15
                              chris, I printed out the carb info from the Tech Tips and followed it step by step, it was my first time doing them and I had no problems.

                              Also, there are posts about jets that show photos if you get mixed up and can't tell which jet is which, the PO had two different types in my bike. You know the forums are here if you get stuck.

                              Glad to see the peace pipe offering!
                              99 Valkyrie Interstate named Drakker

                              81 XS1100 H Peppylebleu sold and gone to a good home

                              81 XS1100 Midnight Special Peppyledeux sold and gone to another great home

