Point taken
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Kong vs. Zilla
Re: Temper, Temper ! !
Originally posted by TopCatGr58
Hey Cueball and Maximan,
I, too, do not like the large frame mounted fairings, I like my bike to be nimble, but I also don't ride it in inclimate weather.
Yes....you both are entitled to your opinions, but I would like to mention that this FORUM is more for TECHNICAL discussions; how do you fix this, where can I find that, NOT so much for opinions, and FLAME wars will NOT BE TOLERATED! ! !
Remember Cueball, we're "soft" Americans here, not that hardy down under stock.....but we still consider ourselves bikers, just not necessarily Mad Max!!
Stay Cool
81 Black "1179" Xcessively trick Super Special. One owner (me).
The natural beauty of a bike is grand....even splendid. In all honesty I think fairings are "butt ugly". But geeeez they are wonderful little devices on those 3000 mile trips.
Especially when the temperature suddenly drops to 38 degrees.
that's 7 degrees for you "mates" down under.Last edited by MAXIMAN; 03-20-2005, 07:26 AM.
I don't like fairings, either. I left the big hunk of plastic Vetter off of my 80g. Now that the 80g is gone I have the 79sf, and I ain't about to clunk a chunk on her and ruin her lines! ;-)
But, I was amazed at the difference in comfort when I rode a GS1000 with a fairing.
Honestly though, in this thread, when I looked at Maximan's bike pics I didn't even notice the fairings over that flawless, spotless, smooth shine and "new" look. Freak, how does an old bike look so good....
Ben1985 Yamaha VMX12n "Max X" - Stock
1982 Honda XL500r "Big Red" - Stump Puller. Unknown mileage.
1974-78 Honda XL350 hybrid - The thumper that revs. Unknown miles.
1974 Suzuki TC/TS125 hybrid. Trials with trail gear. Invaluable. Unknown miles.
1971 Honda CL350. For Dad. Newtronic Electronic Ign. Reliable. Unknown miles.
1982 XS650
1980 XS1100g
1979 XS1100sf
1978 XS1100e donor
A woman bought it new. A woman rode it for a year. A woman only put 5800 miles on it. And a woman parked it in an insulated garage in the temperate climate of N. Central California for about 20 years.
Women...can't live with them....can't live without 'em.
I also think that any fairing ( even a small sport fairing ) are not very good looking on a bike. BUT, after riding accross the Northern plane states a few times, on bikes without fairings, and on bikes with, I prefer to ride against the 20-40 mph head winds with something out in front to cut the wind, bugs, rocks and general stuff that gets kicked up. Besides, It also has little compartments for stashing stuff like extra packs of smokes, day and night glasses, fuses and small tools. Ya can't catagorize someone as " Not a real biker " because they've got a fairing. That's just plain stupid. I can give many examples, but the biggest one is a biker is not about the looks of the bike your riding. I know a few pretty hard core gang bikers that are in some XSreamlly large biker gangs and there are a few that wouldn't ride a bike without one. Ya, they might be riding Harleys,
but the fact is, they still have a fairing on the front.S.R.Czekus
1-Project SG (Ugly Rat Bike)(URB)
1-big XS patch
1-small XS/XJ patch
1-XS/XJ owners pin.
1-really cool XS/XJ owners sticker on my helmet.
2-2005 XS rally T-shirts, (Bean Blossom, In)
1-XVS1300C Yamaha Stryker Custom (Mosquito)
1-VN900C Kawasaki Custom (Jelly Bean)
Just do it !!!!!
LOL1985 Yamaha VMX12n "Max X" - Stock
1982 Honda XL500r "Big Red" - Stump Puller. Unknown mileage.
1974-78 Honda XL350 hybrid - The thumper that revs. Unknown miles.
1974 Suzuki TC/TS125 hybrid. Trials with trail gear. Invaluable. Unknown miles.
1971 Honda CL350. For Dad. Newtronic Electronic Ign. Reliable. Unknown miles.
1982 XS650
1980 XS1100g
1979 XS1100sf
1978 XS1100e donor