I just picked up an 81SH from a member, webbcraft 2150. He bought it with the intent of making a Sport bike killer, but just couldn't get around to it. It is complete, and looks pretty good. The paint is faded, but other than that, it looks good. He was told by the guy that he bought it from that it "just quit running", and webbcraft never had the chance to mess with it. I got it home , and started checking things out. First, ignition...I pulled #1 & 2 spark plugs, and they were firing. Great, I don't need a 4RO module. I put a gallon of fuel in the tank, and set the petcocks to prime. After letting it set for a couple of minutes. I tried to crank it. It turned over fine, but I discovered, that the throttle was frozen. I also noticed fuel pouring from the airbox. I pulled the bottom from the airbox, and saw that #4 carb was the culprit. Family commitments prevented me from going any further with it, but I just happen to have the carbs that were originally on Twilite Special, so I'll be swapping them out as soon as it warms up a little.
Stay tuned.
Stay tuned.
