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Selling my 80 XS1100

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  • Selling my 80 XS1100

    I am selling my 1980 XS 1100
    Midnight Special. It has not
    been on the road for about
    ten years. It was running
    strong when it was put up.
    The bike is complete. The
    carbs are off and need kits
    installed. The engine turns
    over with the battery. The
    tank is primered and ready
    to paint. The seat needs to
    be re-covered. It could use
    a speedo,tach and front head
    light assy. They are dented.
    This could be a fun project
    if you have the time. I am
    located in Las Vegas NV. I
    will take $350.00 for it. I
    have the title. My email is

  • #2
    I'm... tempted. The only think holing me back is my (apparant) inability to re-assemble and ride the standard i have...

    Lemme know if it sells, I'll have to think on this.
    Rule 1: Pillage, then burn.
    Rule 13: Do unto others


    • #3
      If I was anywhere close to Las Vegas, I would have a fifth XS in the carport as we speak for that price, sight unseen....
      Ken Talbot


      • #4
        Yet another XS?

        Ken, can you even get out of Revilstoke right now? I hear the snow is up to your arm pits! You need a BIG snow blower and a snowmobile not another XS.
        Keep digging!


        • #5
          Late this afternoon, the Trans-Canada through here opened to the east. It is still closed west, and they have not even begun to think about when it might open. We got 50cm yesterday, and about another 10 today. My 8hp 26" cut dual-stage blower with 6 speeds forward and 2 back was handling full auger depth snow in 3rd gear and throwing it approx 60 feet. BTW - I bought my blower new in '79 - similar vintage as the bikes. Had to do some work on the wheel drivetrain a few years back, and have even used the color-tune on it!
          Ken Talbot


          • #6
            Snow Bound

            We received over a 100mm of rain in the last 48 hours. Port Renfrew 65 km west of here has received 375mm rain in the last 48. It is all headed your way and at your elevation will fall as snow. Keep that old bruiser warmed up and perking. I believe north Vancouver mountians have received close to a 1000mm!
            If you get a, chance better hit the liquor store for a months supply and fill a couple of 5 gal jerry cans to feed the blower.
            This is turning into a real old fashion WINTER.
            Take care, hope you have a real steep pitch to the roof.


            • #7
              You guys keep that rain and snow on the west side of the Rockies. We have enough problems here in Alberta with -30's and wind chill at times down to -50.
              Anyway it is bike show weekend here this week end. Will go and dream about this coming summer. About all we can do.
              Don Hughes
              Ex-1978 E
              Ex-1985 Yamaha Venture Royale
              1991 Yamaha Venture Royale
              1990 Honda Goldwing


              • #8
                Cold Winter

                No, not all we can do Don. I will send you a bunch of snow tonight and tomorrow morning. By the time you shovel out you will be well warmed up. Then you can go in, lay down on the chesterfield and hope you don't have a stroke!
                Take care and only kick tires at the bike show.

