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Choppin an XS
there you go posted the pics save you hassle and give others idea of what it looks like after all it is quite interesting (prefer the shaft myself tho ,bike is fast enuff,chains are a pain in the tits!!!)
the guy who sold it his email is Ggary09271@aol.com he seems
very approachable i havn't told him i posted his email sorry but just tell him you saw the item on ebay if you want to contact him and tell him gaffer54 (ebay name ,put you on to it ,i had a fork brace and stuff off him) thats all my input i can give you
see youDon't put all yer eggs into one basket ,,,case
Interesting goings on here. I want to be able to put a big fat tire on the back of my bike. More than that I want a choice of the type of wheel I can put there, which the drive shaft seems to limit my choices of. I have raked out my front wheel 7 1/2", repositioned my rear shocks lower mounts to right over the axle. In doing that I had to change the location of the rear brake caliper, no biggy. Replaced the uncomfortable stock seat with one just like the cops use on the Kowawhatsits 1000's. I then made a change in the exhaust system and got rid of the extra chrome stuff that made it not talk so loud. Now I sit much more comfortably, and don't have to stand on my tippy toes when stopped, cause its is only about 4" at most from the oil filter cover to the ground. I had to shorten the kick stand, should have taken more. Next time. Center stand--Gone, along with some other stuff. Then I painted it competion orange so I could find, and it could easily be seen. The best part is it handles real well, and I love it when 110ci HDs want to play, when they get to me at the next light they don't want to play. And I only have maybe $1500 in my bike, and it don't need a pickup truck to follow it around for a ride home. AND I dont worry about anyone stealing it. Damn that 2nd & 5th gear problem though, but who needs them. I might get in trouble if I had 5th. I am currently looking at the options here for my next bike. Its heart will start with an XS1100 SG. I do like the idea of a 200hp in-line 4 with my butt a bit closer to the ground, like a soft tailed chopper,so I am open for ideas. I posted a picture of my bike, if you look close at the oil filer plug so will notice the pull start there. I just noticed a bit further on a chain drive setup, for me I want a different frame, so we will build one.
Hi SCVic,
Here is my little 5 cents worth. I think the XS 11 is not a bad choice for a chopper, so all the best with your project. A friend of mine in South Africa owns a customizing bike shop that has done quite a few XS's over the years. He built a stunning hardtail for himself some time back. This bike was featured in all the south african bike mags at the time, however he sold the bike only after a few trips as it was very bumpy to ride. His kidneys took quite a beating and he couldn't ride the bike further than about 50 miles or so.
Now a couple of years before that I owned a XS 100 S (called a Europe) in South Africa. This bike was converted to chain drive by a guy by the name of Tommy Johns at the time. The motor was worked as well, putting out about 140bhp. That bike went through chains as the conversion could only handle a 530 chain due to space constraints.
So what is my message? Think carefully, if you ride the bike alot, then neither is a good idea. If you want a conversation piece then go for it.The BIG 3.
'78 Yamaha XS 1100 E (one standard / one modified)
'92 Suzuki GSXR 1100 N
'06 Suzuki GSF 1200 S Bandit
Looks super, has a shaft BUT! It is a hard tail with an unsprung seat. Do you know how far up your spine every bump,pot hole pebble is going to go. If you could ride 50 miles a DAY, on it you would be lucky (and sore). Plus unsprung bikes try very hard to spit you off at any moment. Super highway, new black top use only.
Good to ride 2 blocks to the coffee shop and sit and stare at. Completely impractical.
sometimes you feel impractical, sometimes you just want somthing to look at, sometimes you just want to go just down the street and sometimes you want to look good wile your kicking the crap out of your harley buddies
practicle is your other bike