I've got a 79 special and a set of factory hard bags that I want to mount to it. This may seem like a dumb question but I can't figure out how the rear crash bars attach to the bike-is it to the top of the shock mounts and to the rear footpeg mounts? The crash bars don't seem to fit-were there variations in them between years or standard vs. special bikes? Thanks to all who respond. Scott
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There is a difference between the rear footpeg brackets on the Standard and Special. Look at them on your bike. They sweep upwards on a Special, and the brackets on a Standard are parellel to the ground. The mufflers on a Special are swept up and they are parellel on the Standard. The left bracket will swap between models, but the right one will not. The hole for the rear brake pedal, and the where the hole for the rear engine mount are spaced differently. I tried to put a set of Standard brackets on my Special, and that's how I discovered the difference.