I tried to edit (change) my post reference the centrifugal advance on the 80 models but my 5 minutes expired so I will change it with a new post. The electronic advance started with the 81 models. You can find this in the Yamaha service manual part # lit-11616-xs-13. One other thing, the late carburetors did not have the jet needles with adjustment rings & clip however you can shim them with small washers usually .020 will do it. The vacum diaphrams all have the same part number, I just bought a set. The 79 carburetors are actually the nicest of the bunch and are the lest work to tweek, but you can ultimately get the others to work equally well. All Elevens had vacum advance, but the diaphrams were not all the same (didn't advance at the same rate). Some guys have disabled the vacum advance completly but that's a mistake unless the bike is used strictly for racing. There is a couple of ways to get your ignition curve where you want it, but you want 36-38 degrees checked with a timing light at 5000 R.P.M. and 10 degrees at 1200-1500 however, this is not as important as the total. Like the old 70"s love song, 50 ways to leave your lover, I have discovered there must be a million ways to build a stout X.S. Eleven.
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timing advance
not to steal thunder
Theres also the old adedge speed costs money how fast can you afford to go! I've come to the conclusion FINNALY ,that theese bikes are not going to go 140-150mph! they ARE NOT going to have 150 rear wheel h.p. AND they ARE NOT going to beat even an 600cc sport bike stock from the factory let alone one with even a jet change. I've been were you are at there Dan and everyone here told me the same thing. I know it's sad to get a royal spankin from a 600cc bike when i know deep down this bike (xj for me ) has twice the engine , more comfort and bettewr looks. But ,thats how we roll ,with class and style. Just think about it though,in another 25 years we'll be riding a 50 year old bike witch still only looks a few years old,when that 600-750-1000 crotch rocket will be rusting away in a heap some where long forgotten by it's owner. And to add, i'm still searching for chain drive and a fat back tire, and a hot cam and bigger carbs,fuel injection,but hey IT DOESN'T HURT TO DREAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1982 XJ 1100
going strong after 60,000 miles
The new and not yet improved TRIXY
now in the stable. 1982 xj11, 18,000miles
i meant either or,but then again,INJECTION IS NICE BUT I'D RATHER BE BLOWN. So now i have a new dream then. Afuel injected ,supercharged nitrus huffing 1982 XJ 1100,so stick that in your big bore and choke on it...lol(nothing personel)
1982 XJ 1100
going strong after 60,000 miles
The new and not yet improved TRIXY
now in the stable. 1982 xj11, 18,000miles
Whatcha' mean it ain't gonna go 140? Hell, it hit 130 a couple of times with the stock engine. I haven't really wound it up too tight, and I have this big ass windshield on it, so I don't think I'll reach that speed with out removing it. But I figure with the extra 79 ccs, Rejetted carbs, and aftermarket pipes, 78E cams and governor assembly, I should be able to gain at least 5-10 mph. I all ready have the needed pieces just sitting in my garage, and it won't take too long to do it.
Remember...there is no replacement for displacement. As far as squirtin' squeezin' and huffin' well that is a wet dream. I believe in the KISS theory. We all klnow what that is.
My (98%) stock E read 143 MPH on the speedo once. Bike was nekkid at the time. Touring seat had me too far forward as I tried to crawl under the gas cap, the gauges were 4" from my face.
I don't feel the need to do it again tho 120 -130 is ok occasionally.
5th gear and over the redline is more adrenaline than I need.Pat Kelly
1978 XS1100E (The Force)
1980 XS1100LG (The Dark Side)
2007 Dodge Ram 2500 quad-cab long-bed (Wifes ride)
1999 Suburban (The Ship)
1994 Dodge Spirit (Son #1)
1968 F100 (Valentine)
"No one is totally useless. They can always be used as a bad example"
that's funny
a friend of mine has a 78 xs11 (model unk) that i can beat standing start or roll on.His is tunned very well,mine also in decent tune,So iguess mine goes 143+ then? speedo only goes to 85. Oh by the way his has the 1196 b.b. kit.1982 XJ 1100
going strong after 60,000 miles
The new and not yet improved TRIXY
now in the stable. 1982 xj11, 18,000miles