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  • Caburators

    Are XS/XJ 1100 carbs made out of:

    A.) Aluminum
    B.) Zinc
    C.) Potmetal

    How can one tell the difference between potmetal and aluminum?
    What is potmetal?
    A.) the same metal they make pots out of
    B.) metal made while the metal worker was smoking funny cigarettes?
    C.) Metal with cannabis mixed in?

    Seriously does anyone know what potmetal is?



    I should probably do everything today because I could die tomorrow!

  • #2
    The carbs are made from Aluminum, or an alloy mostly with aluminum, but are not potmetal.

    Pot Metal is usually an alloy of several base metals, zinc, tin, copper, lead, done in castings. Often it was used in cheap jewelry, with plating over it! It was used for making "Pots" as well, but we now know more about NOT using LEAD in such products!

    Has similar affects on brain tissue as CANNABIS!
    T. C. Gresham
    81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
    79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
    History shows again and again,
    How nature points out the folly of men!


    • #3
      lol! I was wondering the same thing! My dad said something about pot metal while we were taking the filler plug out of the middle drive, but I didn't ask. I thought he meant aluminum, but this sure makes more sense! Thanks for asking! (great minds think alike)
      '81 XS11H Venturer - holed up in storage while life happened since 07/08/04
      '81 Kawasaki KE175 enduro - 63 mph of smokey fun, now with collector plates!


      • #4
        Pot metal

        Hi Lori,
        it's called potmetal in the US but it's called ****metal in England.
        Both are slang terms for a whole family of zinc based die-casting alloys. These alloys are properly used where their ability to take up complicated shapes is essential and their lack of ductility & strength is not important. Toy cars, ashtrays & the like. Some cheap bastards misuse these alloys to make automotive parts that look really good but don't stand up in use.
        Fred Hill, S'toon.
        Fred Hill, S'toon
        XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
        "The Flying Pumpkin"


        • #5
          Fred, the REAL bad sh** metal is full of minced up cardboard!

