I cleaned the carbs fully on eXJunk a few months back, but haven't done much with it since then, except work on the brakes and a few other minor things. Otherwise, it's just been sitting in the shop. I seem to remember that I set the pilot screws at about 2.5-3 turns out, and it ran fairly well, tho it did have a bit of a stumble about mid-tange. I put my temporary gas tank back on and hooked up the battery charger and got it running again recently, but I noticed that I could only get it to run with partial choke, it revved poorly and had a bad stumble at mid rpm's, but past that revved smoothly. I started backing the pilot screws out a quarter turn at a time, and it kept getting better. At this point, I have the screws backed out about 4-4.5 turns, and it will idle fairly decent with no choke, and will rev with some roughness, then smooth out after 4-5k. Is it possible that my pilot jets have gotten a bit gummed up after sitting for 4-5 months? That's the only thing that makes any sense to me, with the screws backed out that far. Could I take the pilot screws out and spray some Gumout down the openings? Anything else I can do without pulling the carbs again? I really don't want to have to resort to that, since it's such a major PITA on the XJ !