'goin' from Calif, through Nevada, into N.AZ (Jacob's lake/east rim of the Grand Canyon) the 1st part of Sept and 'am putting a 'stock 4-2 exhaust system' on my '80XS11SG (4-into-1/Kerker TOO loud for night time driving) and was reading the shop manual... it mentions 'exhaust gaskets' - I called the local Yamaha dealer and they said they could order them but it would be a week or two before they got them in... does anyone know ANY other place to go to get these?? and WHAT do they look like? Anybody have a photo of them? ...could you send an e-mail with digital attached? ...sorry, but I love SEEING, and KNOWING exactly what I'm getting into
eMail add: RonATunclespotDOTcom

eMail add: RonATunclespotDOTcom