NEED HELP!!! I've been riding my bike to & from work nearly every day of the year. Came home yesterday, went to back my bike into the parking space & it was very hard to move. Went out this afternoon to run to the store. Put the bike in Neutral to roll it off the center stand & it was very hard to move. Couldn't even roll the bike, so I put it back on the center stand, lifted the front wheel off the ground & it wouldn't even turn. BTW.....I have noticed a couple of times, that when applying the front brake, the lever would hardly have to move--like maybe a 1/4 of an inch...and it was "stiff" at that, but the "action" quickly returns to "normal". Usually, the lever would have "plenty of play" before it actually activated the brake. Any suggestions? My bike is my primary transportation to/from work. In bad weather, my boss lets me bring home my work van. Help, please, I am literally stuck.... "lol"
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Front Wheel
It just needs the front calipers rebuilt. The square
"O" rings in it need lightly scraped on all 4 sides with a single edged razor blade. Run some emery cloth in the bore once the piston is out. Then bleed it. Also check the master cyl out in case it is the infamouse spooge hole."We are often so caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey." "
Spooge Hole Plugged
Just crack open the front bleeder screw on the left side ,open and close it if that releases the pressure you need to clean the spooge hole in the front mc. Directions on how to do this can be found in the maintence or repair section or do a search for spooge hole HTH ....................MITCHDoug Mitchell
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47 years riding and still learning, does that make me a slow learner?
Hey, guys.....thanks. Went to maintainence tips (duh!). Cleaned out the spooge hole....that relieved the pressure on the calipers & the front wheel is rollin' again! Man, there was more crap in the Master Cylinder than there is at an Ex-Lax Convention. Gonna try to flush out (pardon the pun) the front brake lines. Thanks again.I'm the Person my Parents Warned me about.