I'm full of dumb questions it seems.. Members here are pretty wise with the xs, or bikes in general. I hope you guys or gals can
bare with me while i take on this project of restoring this bike.
I have a question about measuring the float height. My floats are set at about 21mm the way i'm measuring them. If straight out from the flat part of the float they are 26mm. My delima is if i run out from the flat part of the float it kinda slopes up from 21mm to 26mm. (thats measuring with a straight edge) The highest point straight down is 21mm. I couldnt tell ya right now if i'm running rich or lean right now cause of all the other maintenance i've done. Was thinking of going with specs. I live at 6000 ft. elevation, and it has a K&N filter?
bare with me while i take on this project of restoring this bike.
I have a question about measuring the float height. My floats are set at about 21mm the way i'm measuring them. If straight out from the flat part of the float they are 26mm. My delima is if i run out from the flat part of the float it kinda slopes up from 21mm to 26mm. (thats measuring with a straight edge) The highest point straight down is 21mm. I couldnt tell ya right now if i'm running rich or lean right now cause of all the other maintenance i've done. Was thinking of going with specs. I live at 6000 ft. elevation, and it has a K&N filter?