well i need part of service manual becuase i want to tear down the top half of my motor to clean out the crap that had built up over the years of sitting on the floor of a shop... iv'e checked the tops of the pistons from the sprk plg holes and they look ok, but i knwo theres a little bit of silica sand thats sitting in there ( because the shop it was sitting it had been used for sandbalsting a plymouth cuda body down, the motor had been plugged but still got soem sand in it) and i dont want to start the engine like that so any sugestions would be appreciated.... thanks! iv'e blow LOTS of commpressed air throguh the engine and some penetrating spray as told to by my yamaha dealers mechanic ( i know him he siad that it would clean it up good but that i should tear down anyway to be safe )
thanks , jr:
thanks , jr: