Everything is GREAT with the bike so far...my last problem was a bunk ignition coil. One of the wires that connects to the actual threaded contact was apparently juuuuuuust about to snap (hence having to rev the SOB so much to take-off), and eventually wouldn't read SQUAT on the ol' multimeter. Accel coils...and you should see how they're made, if you haven't ripped onE apart yet. there is literally ONE SMALL COPPER WIRE PER SIDE epoxied into the hollow bolt. So HEADS UP if you have them, or are about to get them - DON'T GO CRAZY tightening the nuts!! It'll make the bolt spin, and that wire gets twisted...then breaks. LESSON LEARNED.

So NOW - I've got a *clunk* happening when I use the front brakes (regular use; not hard). It isn't the brakes themselves...I can literally FEEL said clunk in my friggin handlebars. I pushed on the handlebars with the brakes on to check the shocks, and the clunk doesn't happen there...only when pulling up to a stop sign / stop light. It isn't really jerky or anything, but obviously something needs to be fixed. Checked my handlebar holders; they're fine. Shock caps are nice and tight. Steering bearing maybe??

So NOW - I've got a *clunk* happening when I use the front brakes (regular use; not hard). It isn't the brakes themselves...I can literally FEEL said clunk in my friggin handlebars. I pushed on the handlebars with the brakes on to check the shocks, and the clunk doesn't happen there...only when pulling up to a stop sign / stop light. It isn't really jerky or anything, but obviously something needs to be fixed. Checked my handlebar holders; they're fine. Shock caps are nice and tight. Steering bearing maybe??