1981 XS1100 - Last month charged the battery on 1.5 amp charge after winter hibernation. When I went to disconnect the charger it was pegged all the way into the red and the bike was electrically dead - no lights etc... All the fuses were good. About an hour later I turned the key again and this time everything lit up. After I changed the oil it started up just fine although I didn't take it out on the road. A few weeks later it finally warmed up enough for a ride and after a about 10 miles at highway speed - I lost power, no lights...electrically dead. Trailered it back home and after an hour....lights are back and it starts just fine. Measured 12.6 volts across the battery. However the battery was old and kind of puny looking so I replaced it with the recommended size battery. Started up fine today...went for a ride and after 10 miles at highway speed, electrically dead again. This time I was close enough to push it the last 1 mile....quite a good cardio workout if you are so inclined. Measured 13 volts across the battery.
So it would appear something is getting hot and quitting on me and then recovers once it cools down. Ignition coil? CDI? Something else? Not sure where to start or best way to diagnose...any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
So it would appear something is getting hot and quitting on me and then recovers once it cools down. Ignition coil? CDI? Something else? Not sure where to start or best way to diagnose...any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks