Hello all!
Going through some odds and ends while I'm still waiting for decent painting weather. I tore into the gas cap to find a few parts and other miscellaneous rat turd type smelling things.
My question for you all is, in what order do the pieces of the vent go back together?
When I tore it open there was just a copper washer in there between the black fiber seal and the metal part with the e-clip nub. I heard from some guy selling fork seals behind the dumpster at the local Yamaha dealer that there's supposed to be a piece of foam in there also to separate the copper washer and black fiber gasket. He said, "a small piece of scotchbrite will work"
This makes sense because air wouldn't be allowed to vent if the copper washer seals against the black piece.
Not completely positive on this. Any advice is appreciated!
Semper fi,
Going through some odds and ends while I'm still waiting for decent painting weather. I tore into the gas cap to find a few parts and other miscellaneous rat turd type smelling things.
My question for you all is, in what order do the pieces of the vent go back together?
When I tore it open there was just a copper washer in there between the black fiber seal and the metal part with the e-clip nub. I heard from some guy selling fork seals behind the dumpster at the local Yamaha dealer that there's supposed to be a piece of foam in there also to separate the copper washer and black fiber gasket. He said, "a small piece of scotchbrite will work"
This makes sense because air wouldn't be allowed to vent if the copper washer seals against the black piece.
Not completely positive on this. Any advice is appreciated!
Semper fi,