Ive been having no end of trouble tuning the carbs. I had it tuned on a dyno and when i picked it up it ran great. There were some jetting issues which need to be ironed out but perhaps thats to do with my possible electrickery and valve clearance problem.
Then after about 20 mins of riding it ran like absolute garbage. loud back firing popping on acceleration rough idle which wont wants to stall out without a blip of the throttle. Missing and just generally very poorly behaved.
I have had a good tug on the pickup wires and cant find a stretchy one.
In the past i have been noticing that cylinder 1 wasn't heating up at all. I swapped the spark plugs around between 1 and 4 and then fired her up and cylinder 1 started heating up again without any effect to cylinder 4 .
Then Cylinder 1 started going cold again. I chopped about 10mm of the lead and re installed which made some difference. Heated up but not as much as the other cylinders.
I can swap the plugs over as i don't have enough length on the 2 and 3 wires.
When the bike is running i can pull the plug cap off cylinder 1 and it has no effect at all on the RPM. however cylinder 4 (same coil) drops the idle a fair bit. 2 and 3 will stall the bike if pulled off.
Compression is pretty good across all 4.
I must say that my valve shims need doing as some of my exhaust clearances are a bit tight.
In 1 .005 2 .007 3 .006 4 .007
Ex 1 .007 2 .005 3 .006 4 .009
I read in the tech tips tips about testing the primary and secondary wires which i did.
The primary wires were 3.8ohm and the secondary, well i dont know how to describe it (im not an electrickery expert).
I had turn the meter up to 2m to get a reading on them, as the photos show.
Im pretty keen to sort this out,

Then after about 20 mins of riding it ran like absolute garbage. loud back firing popping on acceleration rough idle which wont wants to stall out without a blip of the throttle. Missing and just generally very poorly behaved.
I have had a good tug on the pickup wires and cant find a stretchy one.
In the past i have been noticing that cylinder 1 wasn't heating up at all. I swapped the spark plugs around between 1 and 4 and then fired her up and cylinder 1 started heating up again without any effect to cylinder 4 .
Then Cylinder 1 started going cold again. I chopped about 10mm of the lead and re installed which made some difference. Heated up but not as much as the other cylinders.
I can swap the plugs over as i don't have enough length on the 2 and 3 wires.
When the bike is running i can pull the plug cap off cylinder 1 and it has no effect at all on the RPM. however cylinder 4 (same coil) drops the idle a fair bit. 2 and 3 will stall the bike if pulled off.
Compression is pretty good across all 4.
I must say that my valve shims need doing as some of my exhaust clearances are a bit tight.
In 1 .005 2 .007 3 .006 4 .007
Ex 1 .007 2 .005 3 .006 4 .009
I read in the tech tips tips about testing the primary and secondary wires which i did.
The primary wires were 3.8ohm and the secondary, well i dont know how to describe it (im not an electrickery expert).
I had turn the meter up to 2m to get a reading on them, as the photos show.
Im pretty keen to sort this out,
