When I get these effing F carbs back in my G, the next step is the petcocks. I have both off and one completely apart. I have two rebuild kits. After I ordered them from evilbay (still love that term), i saw one of the problems people have with petcocks is they rebuilt them with K&L rebuild kits. After I read that, I received my kits and saw the K&L packaging. Imagine my joy.
Advice? Are there good parts in here? Are there parts I should assume to be junk and pitch without hesitation? I've recently found a new source for NOS parts and they have no fuel cocks. I know my left fuel cock was bad because when i dissassembled things, gasoline (90% ish gasoline) ran out. and my 3 & 4 carbs were shot. Is there any further way to diagnose what failed? The rubber parts were pretty much all dissolved, so I know they gotta be redone. I'm going back to mine the forums some more because I have seen a lot of discussion on this topic, and hate asking a question that is already answered.
I will check back to see what wisdom accumulates in this thread, too, though
Advice? Are there good parts in here? Are there parts I should assume to be junk and pitch without hesitation? I've recently found a new source for NOS parts and they have no fuel cocks. I know my left fuel cock was bad because when i dissassembled things, gasoline (90% ish gasoline) ran out. and my 3 & 4 carbs were shot. Is there any further way to diagnose what failed? The rubber parts were pretty much all dissolved, so I know they gotta be redone. I'm going back to mine the forums some more because I have seen a lot of discussion on this topic, and hate asking a question that is already answered.
I will check back to see what wisdom accumulates in this thread, too, though
