Right on, Redbeard!
Wow! Two sizes down from the lean-and-mean Special 110 fuel jetting?
Usually those 105 fuel jets will work fine at somewhere around 4,000 to 14,000 feet in the mountains so they'd be great for the Colorado Rally next year! They will work down in the flatland too until you get off the Pilot circuit and onto the Mains, just don't pull heavy loads or do sustained high speed riding.
Wow! Two sizes down from the lean-and-mean Special 110 fuel jetting?
Usually those 105 fuel jets will work fine at somewhere around 4,000 to 14,000 feet in the mountains so they'd be great for the Colorado Rally next year! They will work down in the flatland too until you get off the Pilot circuit and onto the Mains, just don't pull heavy loads or do sustained high speed riding.