Took my carbs of for a pre-rally cleaning and to investigate why it was running so rich and getting poor mileage.
A little history on these carbs. They were given to me by a friend, i put them on the bike, quick sync and they ran good so I never even pulled the bowls off. Rode it primarily around town with it, runs good and strong. When i rode it to the Colorado rally, i was only getting between 21 and 26 mpg.
This bike had always gotten between 32 and 36 with the 80 carbs I had been running on it.
The bike is a 79, so I wanted to switch back to the appropriate carbs. I think I found one reason it is running so rich, two of the idle mixture screws had been broken off, and then the screws had been turned on a lathe to make them work. (at least thats the way it looks.) While it runs nice and strong that way, it may be dumping too much fuel. Also, there is not washer and o-ring on the idle mixture screws. Are 79's supposed to have them?
Another oddity, the emulsion tubes are different? The holes are not the same. 2 have a series of 4 holes in a row on 4 sides. The other two have a different pattern. Is this normal on the 79? If so, which carbs get which?

A little history on these carbs. They were given to me by a friend, i put them on the bike, quick sync and they ran good so I never even pulled the bowls off. Rode it primarily around town with it, runs good and strong. When i rode it to the Colorado rally, i was only getting between 21 and 26 mpg.

The bike is a 79, so I wanted to switch back to the appropriate carbs. I think I found one reason it is running so rich, two of the idle mixture screws had been broken off, and then the screws had been turned on a lathe to make them work. (at least thats the way it looks.) While it runs nice and strong that way, it may be dumping too much fuel. Also, there is not washer and o-ring on the idle mixture screws. Are 79's supposed to have them?
Another oddity, the emulsion tubes are different? The holes are not the same. 2 have a series of 4 holes in a row on 4 sides. The other two have a different pattern. Is this normal on the 79? If so, which carbs get which?
