Well it's finally about done, mechanically sound now and running perfect with 62xxx miles on it. I now need only complete the electronic work to get the turn signals to work, any ideas on that? They stay on and do not blink and there doesn't appear to be any wiring for the rear ones.
Have pictures can post.
Mods include:
XJ rear master cylinder,
XJ front master cylinder,
XJ sport suspension rear,
XJ front fork with sport suspension
Slotted rotors from XJ?
(I bought an XJ on a whim for 150$ and the trans is trashed, i know i did a bad but i made a unique XS for sure.)
Anybody have any thought on how i can improve it with more Parts from the poor old XJ? Carbs are shot too unfortunately.
Have pictures can post.
Mods include:
XJ rear master cylinder,
XJ front master cylinder,
XJ sport suspension rear,
XJ front fork with sport suspension
Slotted rotors from XJ?
(I bought an XJ on a whim for 150$ and the trans is trashed, i know i did a bad but i made a unique XS for sure.)
Anybody have any thought on how i can improve it with more Parts from the poor old XJ? Carbs are shot too unfortunately.