last year i built a luggage rack that hung clear out to the back of my bike. worked ok - held a lot of stuff but was awkward & topheavy with all the crap i piled on there.
did some looking on ebay. LOTS of saddlebags there to choose from. having never purchased anything like this before i am at a loss.
are they pretty universal or are there certain things i need to look for/avoid? I would like something I could just throw over the back seat, tie a couple straps & be ready to go. also need to be water tight.
did some looking on ebay. LOTS of saddlebags there to choose from. having never purchased anything like this before i am at a loss.
are they pretty universal or are there certain things i need to look for/avoid? I would like something I could just throw over the back seat, tie a couple straps & be ready to go. also need to be water tight.