Hey everyone,
First post here. Working on my friend's 1982 XJ1100. We had gas leak down into the case and eat the seal on the ignition side crankshaft seal, so it ended up dropping all of the oil. (in the driveway, not while it was running). We pulled and dipped the carbs, new orings, and rebuild the petcocks so the gas leak has been solved. Tonight we were syncing the carbs in high hopes of having it back on the road again. During this, I noticed smoking from a connector above the airbox. Turned the bike off to find out the connection was pretty melted. We had the tank sort of propped up in order to adjust carbs, so there's a chance it pinched and shorted something, but I can't figure out what. After trying to start the bike again, we're getting nothing but lights. No started, no solenoid click. I believe the melted connector in question is the three white wires between the stator and R/R. In my mind, this would kill the charging, but this shouldn't keep the starter from turning?? Not sure where to go from here. Any wisdom is appreciated.
Also, there was this strange wire hanging (not connected) down behind the rear master. I have no idea what it's for??

First post here. Working on my friend's 1982 XJ1100. We had gas leak down into the case and eat the seal on the ignition side crankshaft seal, so it ended up dropping all of the oil. (in the driveway, not while it was running). We pulled and dipped the carbs, new orings, and rebuild the petcocks so the gas leak has been solved. Tonight we were syncing the carbs in high hopes of having it back on the road again. During this, I noticed smoking from a connector above the airbox. Turned the bike off to find out the connection was pretty melted. We had the tank sort of propped up in order to adjust carbs, so there's a chance it pinched and shorted something, but I can't figure out what. After trying to start the bike again, we're getting nothing but lights. No started, no solenoid click. I believe the melted connector in question is the three white wires between the stator and R/R. In my mind, this would kill the charging, but this shouldn't keep the starter from turning?? Not sure where to go from here. Any wisdom is appreciated.
Also, there was this strange wire hanging (not connected) down behind the rear master. I have no idea what it's for??
